Cancelling your appointment

In June 2024:

  • We made 8113 appointments were made available
  • From this, 2837 of these appointments were face-to-face
  • Sadly, 231 of these face-to-face appointments were not attended!

Unfortunately, many appointments are wasted when patients do not attend, which limits the number of available appointments for other patients who need them.  If you are unable to make your appointment time, it is important that you cancel it as soon as possible.

View “Did Not Attend (DNA’d appointments)” data from previous months by clicking here.

  • Online, with the NHS app or website
  • Replying to your text message appointment reminder
  • Calling 01253 344544 and leaving a voicemail message
  • Speaking to a receptionist in person or over by calling the practice on 01253 344544
  • Emailing [email protected]

Every year, approximately £216,000,000 is wasted within the NHS on appointments for patients who failed to show up, on top of the disruption for staff and fellow patients. You can read more on the damaging effects that wasted appointments have on the NHS by clicking here.